What do you know about energy efficiency, energy saving and the role of thermal break? In this article, you will learn all about it!
Let’s start smoothly, with the definition of energy efficiency: it is the energy required for the operation of a building as a whole, i.e. for lighting, ventilation, heating, cooling, etc...
The ideal case of building construction, requires compliance with specific specifications, which “demand” as little energy as possible from the building’s construction materials and from its use in everyday life.
Let’s not forget that buildings with proper insulation help save energy and therefore fuel, while protecting the environment.
A great solution for energy loss is to equip our home with aluminium frame systems with thermal break. Below, you will learn about the important reasons why these systems are superior and advantageous.
How important is thermal insulation for our life at home?
To understand how important it is to live in a house with thermal insulation, we need to look at what happens in a house without insulation: the heat (or cooling – depending on the season) of the interior goes out of the house, harming the environment, and at the same time the outside temperature enters the house, affecting the desired indoor climate. This is because both the building “shell” and the windows and doors of the house are not insulated, therefore allowing it to be affected by the sun’s radiation and the outside temperature.
Imagine such a house in winter: As it is heated internally by radiators, fireplaces, etc., heat escapes from the building due to an uninsulated shell and inadequate windows. In summer, the same happens with air conditioning: because cooling escapes, we don’t cool down as much as we would like, so we resort to more air conditioning, wasting more energy and cost – cooling is much more expensive than heating. But if we insulate the outside walls and choose the right frames, we can save more than half the energy.
Benefits of frames with thermal break:
The benefits of frames with thermal break systems are very important both on a practical and theoretical level:
- It contributes to the noticeable improvement of the thermal insulation properties of the profile and the frame
- Helps to improve the performance of sound insulation and mechanical properties of the profile
- Prevents the liquefaction of water vapor, which creates green walls, mold, etc…
- Heat transfer from the outdoor environment to the indoor environment and vice versa is reduced, thus reducing heating/air conditioning costs, thus suppressing air pollution
There is one additional parameter that should not go unnoticed: The effectiveness of therm break frames requires a study by the manufacturing company for proper installation and application and the ideal choice of glazing.
Aluminium systems with thermal break:
Thermal break is the interference between the inner and outer aluminium profile of a material that is a poor conductor of heat, such as polyamide.
Polyamide is a very durable plastic, which apart from its very low conductivity has a high hardness, which contributes to the robustness and durability of the frames.
It is placed as a barrette in the cross-section of the profile. It is essentially a thermoplastic resin. What it practically does is to interrupt the transmission of the external temperature inside the frames, because it is a poor heat conductor. The end result is to help refine and perfect a robust finished construction.
The thermal break aluminium frames reduce heat loss to a much higher percentage than simple aluminium frames.
Many aluminium companies offer thermal break systems on the market, which benefit everyone, not only from an economic but also from an environmental point of view:
- Energy saving
- Reduction of air conditioning costs
- Reduction of heat loss in winter
- Minimise energy consumption for air conditioning in summer
- Resistance to extreme weather conditions
- Reduction of water vapour condensation on the inner surface of the profiles
- Protection from metal liquefaction
- Low air permeability
- Soundproofing
Consequently, thermal break framing systems are a very good choice for saving energy in the house, but also to save us from “problems” that may have arisen at some point from simple, non-insulated frames.
How much will it cost me?
If you are wondering how much it will cost you to replace your old frames with new thermal brake frames, consider the following ratio: The cost of installation, will be recouped by the reduction in fuel consumption, electricity, etc. You ensure that the interior is protected from the too hot or too cold outside environment, using less air conditioning or heating, again saving money. Admittedly, the lifespan of the building is increased, as it is protected from a variety of damage caused by external conditions and factors.
Apart from the financial benefit for you, through energy savings, the replacement of frames with modern heat-insulated frames, contributes significantly to the protection of the environment and the reduction of the effects of climate change. It concerns all modern people and is an act of responsibility towards the environment, as it is also the most ecological and recyclable material.